Pedialyte® Powder Packs
Made to stash in your luggage, carry-on, purse, or backpack for on-the-go rehydration.
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Spring break, a family vacay, or that business trip—travel may lead to dehydration. Unfamiliar foods can leave you or your little one stuck in the bathroom; the dry air of planes may leave everyone dry-mouthed; and too much sunshine can turn you all into cranky-pants. But there’s something everyone can do to feel better fast—rehydrate with Pedialyte®.
Low humidity in planes and trains isn't the only thing travelers have to contend with—warm weather in vacation spots as well as foreign germs and foodborne bacteria can affect your hydration status. You may find yourself losing fluids and electrolytes through excessive sweating, vomiting, or diarrhea, but Pedialyte is scientifically designed to help you replenish lost fluids and electrolytes and feel better fast.
Stomach bugs and food poisoning are often accompanied by dehydration
Sweating out as little as 2% of your body weight can make working out feel harder
Increased sweating can cause you to lose more electrolytes and leave you dehydrated
From blood donation to occasional morning sickness and breastfeeding, staying hydrated should be top of mind
* Mild to moderate dehydration.
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